woensdag 3 december 2008


"Since Aristotle, man has organized his knowledge vertically in separate and unrelated groups---Science, Religion, Sex, Relaxation, Work, etc. The main emphasis in his language, his system of storing knowledge, has been on the identification of objects rather than on the relationships between objects. He is now forced to use his tools or reasoning separately and for one situation at a time. Had man been able to see past this hypnotic way of thinking, to distrust it (as did Einstein), and to resystematize his knowledge so that it would all be related horizontally, he would now enjoy the perfect sanity which comes from being able to deal with his life in its entirety.

It is possible for Man to alter his mental state and thus alter his point of view (that is, his own basic relation with the outside world which determines how he stores his information). He then can restructure his thinking and change his language so that his thoughts bear more relation to his life and his problems, therefore approaching them more sanely.

It is this quest for pure sanity that forms the basis of The Black Angels."

-Tommy Hall

You on the Run (4:53)
Doves (4:29)
Science Killer (4:45)
Mission District (5:12)
18 Years (5:25)
Deer-Ree-Shee (5:49)
Never / Ever (8:34)
Vikings (4:38)
You in Color (5:52)
The Return (4:31)
Snake in the Grass (16:13)



You're gonna miss me: a film about Roky Erickson

check http://www.rokymovie.com/

woensdag 5 november 2008

A Night of Psicomagia

Danai Anesiadou:

In the short guide of the night event series of the 5th Berlin Biennial, Mes nuits sont plus belles que vos jours, I announced my performance as following:
A Night of Psicomagia, 15.05.2008, 20:00 - 22:00

"A Master, an Apprentice, an Initiation and some shiny, metallic invisible helpers. I once read about a female artist who was tormented by the seemingly paradoxical desires of making art and making money: ‘Money is male. Money is phallic,’ Alejandro Jodorowsky told her, ‘you need to discover your kind of money. The good money is creativity.’ The Chilean filmmaker and Tarot card reader Jodorowsky recommended that the woman insert ‘seven pieces of gold’ into her vagina while painting. I hope I will not have to show my vagina on May 15, 2008. My name is Danai Anesiadou. Before the night of my performance, I will have made several failed attempts and have finally, successfully, met the Great Master, Alejandro Jodorowsky. During one of his weekly Tarot sessions, in which a select few can come to him with a question, I’ll ask: ‘WHAT ABOUT ME AND ART?’ In response, he will give me a task and this will be the seed for a psychomagical ritual performed by me, you — the public — and either the spirit or the flesh of Jodorowsky (if he accepts my invitation to attend)."

Hands & Diamonds, 2008
The Evil Eye, 2008

maandag 27 oktober 2008

Astro-Black Mythology

SPACE IS THE PLACE: Sun Ra's spaceship with the Intergalactic Solar Arkestra sets course from Egypt to the US. Sun Ra has to come to our planet with a mission: the salvation of the Afro-Americans. His ship offers them the possibility to leave the Earth and to build a new life on Saturn without the interference of whites. The Earth is doomed, the arrival of the musician is an omen of the Apocalypse. 'We work on the other side of time', Sun Ra explains.

The Written Woman in The Holy Mountain

This African woman is called The Written Woman evidently because of the Hebraic inscriptions and other symbols—some of which look like Akan forgeries—tattooed on her body.

The Holy Mountain

This 1973 film continues the strange and surreal tradition that cult director Alejandro Jodorowsky began in his FANDO Y LIS and EL TOPO. Marrying mysticism with religious imagery, THE HOLY MOUNTAIN centers on the Thief, a man who is messianic in both appearance and ideals. He meets the Alchemist (Jodorowsky), a man who wishes to rid people of all the trappings of modern living and take them on a spiritual quest. Like Jodorowsky's other work, the plot is secondary to the visuals, which are at once bizarre and beautiful.

A Christ-like figure (the Thief) wanders through bizarre, grotesque scenarios filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery. He meets a mystical guide who introduces him to seven wealthy and powerful individuals, each representing a planet in the solar system. These seven, along with the protagonist, the guide and the guide's assistant, divest themselves of their worldly goods and form a group of nine who will seek out the Holy Mountain, in order to displace the gods who live there and become immortal.

woensdag 22 oktober 2008

The Psychedelic Sounds of The 13th Floor Elevators

Song Titles:

You're Gonna Miss Me
Roller Coaster
Splash 1
Reverberation (Doubt)
Don't Fall Down
Fire Engine
Thru The Rhythm
You Don't Know
Kingdom Of Heaven
Monkey Island
Tried To Hide

Mike Kelley/Paul McCarthy/Violent Onsen Geisha

Sod and Sodie Sock and Studio C
This 2CD pair features performances in Tokyo in 1996. Sod and Sodie Sock documents a performance at the P-House gallery, where the three musicians performed together and separately. The action extended beyond the gallery, into the street in front, and down the block to a local hair salon. Recordings documenting the simultaneous activities of Kelley, McCarthy and Violent Onsen Geisha have been combined to allow the listener to experience the entire group of, spatially separated, performances at once. Studio C features improvisations recorded in a sound studio environment. East meets West in this collaboration between renowned American West Coast and Japanese noise giants. A must for fans of Japanese noise music, and fans of the Los Angeles Free Music Society.

Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, and Violent Onsen Geisha reunite in a concert recorded at the Secession in Vienna in 1998. Performed on a stage built in Kelley and McCarthy's full-scale military tent encampment - you've never heard a USO show like this!

Geisha This

A magazine-sized compilation of pages and imagery from the six issues of Cary Loren's Destroy All Monsters Magazine a zine produced between 1975 and 1979. Features: photos, collages, texts, reviews and period artwork by Loren, Kelley, Shaw, and Niagara. Printed in colored inks on colored paper stocks, this is a feast for the eyes a masterpiece of punk graphic style. Hundreds of pages!